Complete guide on how to open a clothing shop in Italy

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Corrado Manenti
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Could setting up a traditional shop in 2024 be a countervailing winning choice?

Opening a clothing shop in Italy is a fascinating and ambitious adventure, which requires careful planning, a clear vision and innumerable skills that are needed to make it work.

Whereas in the past anyone could open their own small shop in a medium-sized Italian town and manage to meet the costs and even earn some money, in this day and age opening a shop requires a great deal of effort. preparation, the right strategy e mentality.

I also talked about it in recent article dedicated to the creation of products!

At a time when online shopping and e-commerce seem to be all the rage, opening a 'physical' shop could be an alternative against the tide to launch a successful business!

Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur or an established designer, understanding the basic steps to start a fashion business (and make it thrive!) in the Bel Paese is the first step to turning your dream into a project concrete.

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In this comprehensive guide, updated to the latest market trends of 2024, we explore how to turn your passion for fashion into a successful clothing shop.

I will also tell you about the most interesting trends seen in our style department working alongside designers and textile companies and those that will dominate 2024 / 2025 in the retail world, giving you an overview of how to stay ahead in this competitive market.

We will tackle a first analysis of the costs and budgets needed to start a clothing shopensuring that you have a clear view of the resources required.

We will give an overview of:

  • how to strategically structure the selection and purchase of products
  • how to calculate the right margins and sales prices
  • what are the core marketing and sales skills you need to master to have a successful shop in 2024

Finally, I will give you six practical tips to get your entrepreneurial adventure off to the best possible start at a time of recession when most traditional shops are struggling to survive or are closing their doors for good!

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We will see that, nothing happens by chance. It is not enough to create/select beautiful products and arrange them attractively in your shop windows:

it is necessary to offer customers an engaging story and make them feel like protagonists. An experience, a human touch that makes their shopping experience something (almost) magical that they won't find anywhere else but in your shop

For this reason, it is crucial to work on your brand identity and its communication.

In this guide, we will explore the most important aspects of this process, helping you to create and communicate your story, create a shop concept, select the right products and find an effective way to sell them.

Are you ready to start this adventure? Let's get started!

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The BAD Be A Designer method for designing a successful shop:

If this is the first article you read, welcome to Be A Designer, the home of up-and-coming designers and anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur in fashion.

We are a creative team specialising in the creation of new product lines and what will effectively become your fashion brand!

In recent years I have worked on many different types of products, each market segment has its own unique peculiarities that partly define both the type of product to be produced and the shape and timing of our business.

Running a shop can be a vantage point for later producing and selling something of our own.

How does the development and design of a business project based on a classic shop differ from an e-commerce? At a time when we see more shops closed than open, does it still make sense to think about this?

Other questions you should ask FIRST to start your own business are:

  • Why should I think of the shop as a concept-store (experiece-store) rather than just a clothing shop?
  • How should I organise my business to sell my products and attract new customers?
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These are just some of the questions I am most often asked by my consulting clients and they are important questions because if you are thinking that 2024 is the right year to start a project in fashion you need all the information you can get to get off to a good start!

Opening a clothing shop is an important step that requires planning and preparation and there is no school that teaches you how to do it! Before starting this business, it is essential to have the right mindset; you have to put yourself in a position to learn and not to take all the steps in the process lightly.

Being an entrepreneur means owning a businesscommitted to the creation and management of a distribution-based brand.

I will guide you Corrado Manenti founder of Be A Designer! I will guide you through this fascinating type of merchandise.

The Right Mindset: Are you ready to become an entrepreneur?

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Over the past 12 years at the helm of Be A Designer, I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with hundreds of aspiring entrepreneurs and creatives who wanted to create something of their own.

What I always stress when I start a new project is precisely that creating products is the easy and fun part of creating a brand or a new line

the difficult part is the next one: Being able to sell them!

Many times just the idea of having to open a VAT number creates an incredible panic mixed with performance anxiety which sharply divides those who really want to succeed (and for them succeeding is a matter of life and death) and those who do it as a hobby or worse out of ego and simply want to enjoy the process!

Opening a shop is psychologically a different matter. Opening an e-commerce is a light thing you can do in your bedroom when no one can see you, something discreet and intangible.

Opening a comparison shop is one thing MASTODONTICS and it means committing body and soul to making it successful in an indefinite time.

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What does it mean to own a business?

It means taking responsibility for a business, thinking of wearing not one, but at least a dozen different identities and professions.

One day you're an accountant, the next day a visual merchandiser, and the week after? Surprise! You're a social media expert. Entrepreneurship is like a crash course in? well, everything!

Opening a shop of clothing can be an exciting adventure, and compared to an average employee's salary in Italy it can also give some financial satisfaction once the start-up phase is over.

If you are passionate about fashion, manage your clothes shop could be your dream job, one that you can adapt according to your reality and ambitions.

You might decide to sell products under your own brand and build a real brand, or become the personal brand by making the whole sales experience revolve around your charisma.

What is certain is that from a single point of sale to opening the doors of your chain of franchise clothing shops, there are many things to consider nothing is random!

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How much does it cost to open a shop?

This is the crucial question! Like all complex things in life, there is no 'simple' answer but one has to weigh up many factors that can influence the budget!

Let's go step by step so you will be able to understand how much costs of opening a shop of clothing. Like all entrepreneurial activities you need to start with a solid business plan that helps you put the idea and the numbers in the same place!

You may need at least 50,000 euro to start (and replenish) a small shop of clothing, but costs may vary depending on the location and size of the shop. In addition, you need to know what is needed to open such an activity, such as having a good business plan and an accountant to help you obtain all the necessary bureaucratic authorisations to open!

If you don't have a lot of money to invest, it is very difficult to get started! Think about opening a clothing shop with no money is impossible as well as many other businesses such as bars, beauty parlours all need capitalisation to open.

Indeed, opening a clothing shop requires careful financial planning and the consideration of various items of expenditure.

Each element contributes significantly to the success of the business, both in terms of functionality and the image we want to give of our business. If you have no budget and still want to start a fashion business, what can you do?

Start developing your idea and try to promote it and gather initial feedback online.

Here at Be A Designer we have two complete Gold and Silver courses accompanying you in the creation of your fashion brand.

Compared to opening a shop with all that goes with it, they are a good compromise for half the cost that allows you to start with a smaller outlay (of course you will still have to put in the capital and a lot of effort) but you can finally start experience first-hand what it is like to be an entrepreneur!

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Back to what expenses you will have to take into account when opening a shop:

  • The rent of the premises is often one of the biggest expenses. The choice of location is crucial: it must balance visibility and sustainable costs. A good compromise could be a transit area, but not necessarily in the city centre.
  • Renovation and furnishing are key to create a cosy atmosphere in line with the brand. Even with a limited budget, an impactful result can be achieved by using creative, do-it-yourself solutions.
  • The initial goods represent the heart of the investment. It is essential to select a quality assortment that reflects the identity of the shop, focusing on a mix of basic garments and a few more distinctive pieces to attract customers' attention.
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Bureaucratic and administrative costs are unavoidable. Informing yourself thoroughly about local requirements at the chamber of commerce and with your accountant can help you avoid unexpected costs and delays in opening.

Basic equipment is needed for daily operation. The former are a case and a system Investing in efficient systems can save time and money in the long run.

Initial marketing is a crucial investment to make yourself known! With a limited budget, it is crucial to make the most of digital channels and word-of-mouth, creating a distinctive brand identity on social media.

  • Utilities, services and management software are often underestimated but essential expenses for the day-to-day running of the shop.
  • Insurance, although it may seem an additional cost, is an important protection against potential losses.
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Finally, a reserve fund is vital to cope with unforeseen events and initial periods where sales might be lower than expected.

The key to successfully starting a clothing shop, especially with a limited budget, lies in carefully balancing these items of expenditure.

Prioritising essential investments, seeking creative solutions to reduce costs where possible, and focusing on creating a unique customer shopping experience can help maximise the chances of success even with limited financial resources.

In this article we will not talk about how to open a franchise shop. This formula offers you the support of an established brand and helps reduce some of the risks associated with opening an independent business. However, it requires large investments and commitments with the supplier company that can be onerous and very limiting for promotion strategies.

My advice if you want to open a shop is to embrace the challenge in its entirety from choosing the location, set-up, product selection and sales! This will not only give you full control (and full responsibility) over everything but also allow you to create a unique reality.

Times of Economic Crisis and Sheltered Assets

In a recessionary period such as this 2024 where there is an objective compression of consumption and parallel forms of purchase such as the second hand there are two basic types of 'safe haven assets' things that despite people's attitude NOT to spend they just can't give up:

  • World of Food: Restaurants, Aperitifs, Dinners Out
  • Experiences: In an uncertain economic environment, many people tend to value experiences more than material purchases.

Activities such as short trips, concerts, and cultural events become favourite attractions, allowing people to enrich their lives with meaningful memories rather than objects.

Moreover, direct experience, often shared with others, provides a sense of belonging and community that can be particularly reassuring in difficult times. Experiences tend to have a lasting emotional impact, making them valuable investments in personal well-being.

This renewed interest in experiences over tangibles can be seen as a direct response to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic and a reaffirmation of the value of human connections and personal adventures.

You will tell yourself "and what does this have to do with the shop"? You have to transform the shop into a container of experiences to take advantage of this trend, to meet the new needs of a public seeking to escape from the daily routine, even if only for a short time.

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The challenge of modern retail

The retail landscape has changed profoundly in recent years. Whereas in the past it might have been relatively easy to open a small shop in a medium-sized city, today the sector requires a level of professionalism and competence much higher.

As I pointed out in a recent article on product creationsuccess in the fashion and retail world depends on a combination of factors:

  1. Careful planning
  2. Clear vision of the market
  3. Multidisciplinary skills
  4. Differentiation strategy
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Why choose a physical shop?

At a time when online shopping seems to dominate, opening a physical shop might seem a bold choice. However, this countercurrent alternative can offer unique advantages:

  • Tangible buying experience: Customers can touch, try and feel the products.
  • Customised service: A direct interaction that online cannot replicate.
  • Community BuildingThe shop can become a local landmark.
  • Differentiation from online competitors: Offer something that the e-commerce giants cannot.
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Key competences for success

Starting and running a clothing shop requires a set of diversified skills:

  1. Knowledge of the fashion market: Trends, seasonal cycles, consumer behaviour.
  2. Visual merchandising skills: Creating eye-catching displays that attract and engage customers.
  3. Warehouse Management: Optimise inventory to maximise sales and minimise costs.
  4. Marketing and branding: Building a strong brand identity and communicating it effectively.
  5. Financial Competences: Cash flow management, sales forecasts, cost control.
  6. Relational skills: Building strong relationships with customers, suppliers and employees.

Strategies for standing out

In a competitive market, it is crucial differentiate. Here are some strategies to consider:

  • SpecialisationFocusing on a specific niche or a particular style.
  • Unique in-store experiences: Organising events, workshops or collaborations with local designers.
  • Omnichannel integrationCombining physical and digital presence for an omnichannel shopping experience.

From vision to reality

Turning the dream of opening a clothing shop into a concrete project requires:

  1. In-depth market research: Understanding the target audience, competition and opportunities.
  2. Detailed business plan: Define objectives, strategies and financial projections.
  3. Choice of locationA critical factor for the success of the shop.
  4. Team buildingSelect qualified and passionate personnel.
  5. Creation of partnerships: Establish strong relationships with suppliers and brands.

What is a brand based on distribution

If you have read my book: 'YOU also want to be a Stylist' you will know that I have identified three main types of brands:


BRAND BUILT ON THE FOUNDER: The brand built around the figure of the founder is undoubtedly the oldest type and the one still most widely used in fashion and beyond. This is why, almost 50 years after Coco Chanel's death (1971), Chanel is still a prestigious brand, known by all and extremely successful. The myth of the founder still towers above the names of all the designers who succeeded each other as artistic directors and who later found fame by creating their own brand, such as Karl Lagerfeld.

This is the most common type of brand and has the advantage of being immediately unique in that our brand will go by our first name/surname or both. The value we will be able to add to our brand over the years will remain connected to our person and our artistic direction. We will have to register the brand even if it matches our name, but unlike one built on the product we will hardly be able to sell or license it to third parties.

The message given by our communication will therefore be personal and have to do with our story, how we started, what difficulties we encountered, our sources of inspiration and so on.

A brand built on the founder has pros and cons. Not all names are memorable and easy to pronounce, we will see how to deal with this topic in the next chapters.

Using a name is more personal and effective, as people prefer to relate to other people and not to abstract companies or brands.

Another criticism is that not everyone has an interesting story to tell, especially those who are just starting out, and there is a risk of being too 'authorial' or self-referential and pretentious.

Another problem is that we will be too accessible. Since we will have to do almost everything ourselves in the beginning, we will have to deal with all our suppliers, customers and dealers.

Most of the time our interlocutors will see the chance to speak directly with the creator/founder not as an honour but instead as an opportunity to ask for discounts and try to convince us of what is right or wrong with our creations.

Building a brand on our figure as creators necessarily obliges us to be its spokesperson. to the times of fashion and obsolescence, as iconic products remain so even after decades.

Our role as founders, although secondary, has a more institutional value from the point of view of what will be communication.

We will still have to put our face and tell where the brand idea came from, but we will be less prone to being "identified" as the brand itself. We can then create and test multiple brands built around different product lines without being bound as creators to a single stylistic code.

Built on distribution: This category includes all the popular fast fashion and mass market brands. These are those brands of which you neither know who the designer is nor what they specialise in. What matters is how the products are distributed, often through brand-owned shops.

In the case of creating a brand, this is not a viable route unless you have one or more sales outlets or you are interested in wholesale or online distribution via customisation systems and drop-shipping

This is precisely because in the beginning our 'personal brand' is not yet built and authoritative and it will take at least four to six collections to settle down and start to be known and respected.

Our brand communication can have a personal tone, which speaks of us, but we must not give the idea that it is informal, nor that it is a dialogue between us and our market: fashion cannot and must not be democratic, and as founders and spokespersons of the brand we must set our own rules.

Indeed, the more aspirational the brand will want to be, the more difficult the figure of founders and artistic directors will have to be.

BRAND BUILT ON THE PRODUCT: The brand built on the product puts our creations at the centre.

As we will discuss in the following chapters on how to refine the initial idea and later on how positioning works, this could be a winning choice.

Our specialisation will be immediately obvious and easy to communicate.

This will require us over time to be very consistent, and above all to strike a balance between always offering the products recognised as 'iconic' and 'innovating' without distorting. This has the great advantage of being less subject to

Most luxury brands are built on the product and normally the rule applies that 'one brand' corresponds to only one product line or type.

Creating your own brand?

Private Label or multi-brand?


The costs of opening a clothing shop depend on various factors, including the location, the size of the premises, the type of clothing to be sold and staff costs. There may be initial costs for setting up the shop, purchasing initial stock and obtaining the necessary permits.

It is possible to open a clothing shop either physically or online. The online shop requires a well-structured e-commerce platform and digital marketing strategies, while for a physical shop it is essential to find a strategic location and take care of the shop's appearance.

Opening a clothing shop requires several elements, including a business plan, authorisation from the chamber of commerce, choosing suppliers, defining the target audience and identifying a market niche to differentiate from the competition.

The Differences between a Traditional Shop and an Ecommerce Shop

The online clothing shop is one of the most popular ways to sell products in the fashion industry. Thanks to e-commerce, it is possible to reach a wide audience of customers without geographical limits, ensuring greater visibility and accessibility of one's products.

Possibility of opening an online shop

Opening an online shop offers many business opportunities in the clothing industry. With a well-structured e-commerce platform and the implementation of effective digital marketing strategies, it is possible to reach a global audience and increase sales significantly.

Advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce

E-commerce has many advantages, such as flexible schedules, reduced operating costs and the ability to easily monitor customer preferences. However, there are also disadvantages such as fierce competition and the need to invest in digital technology and infrastructure.

Success in the industry

To be successful in the apparel industry, it is crucial to adopt effective strategies to distinguish yourself from the competition and attract customers. Creating a profitable clothing shop requires planning, creativity and careful market analysis to identify growth opportunities and position yourself competitively in the industry.

Strategies for success

To be successful in the clothing industry, it is important to develop targeted marketing strategies, offer quality products, provide a unique shopping experience and invest in customer loyalty. Attention to detail, efficient management of resources and constant innovation are key to maintaining a leading position and growing in the market.

Profitable clothing shop

Opening a profitable clothing shop requires the careful selection of reliable suppliers, prudent management of expenses, and the ability to adapt to market developments. Creating a diverse product assortment, offering quality customer service, and constantly monitoring the performance of your business are key elements in ensuring long-term profitability.

Entering a market niche

To differentiate oneself in the market and build a successful clothing business, it is advisable to identify and enter a specific market niche. Focusing on a well-defined customer segment, tailoring the product offering to the needs of this target group and creating a unique brand identity are winning strategies to establish and grow in the sector.

Requirements for opening a shop

To open a clothing shop, a series of steps must be followed. First of all, you need to define the type of shop you want to open, whether a single-brand or a multi-brand, and draw up a detailed business plan that includes market analysis, expenditure forecasts and profit forecasts.

A key aspect for a clothing shop is to have a reliable supplier who guarantees quality products in line with market trends. It is important to establish a solid partnership with the supplier to ensure constant availability of goods and favourable purchasing conditions.

Opening a clothing shop even without large capital is possible, but requires creativity and targeted strategies. Solutions such as dropshipping, affiliation to e-commerce platforms or running an online shop without the need for a physical shop can be adopted.

Bureaucratic aspects

Opening a clothing shop also involves a number of bureaucratic aspects that must be carefully considered before starting the business.

Documents required to open a shop

First of all, it is essential to collect all the necessary documents for opening a shop, such as the tax code, chamber of commerce authorisation, brand registration documents and any compliance certifications.

Commercial registration

Commercial registration is an essential step to formalise the business and ensure its regularity in the eyes of the law. It is a process that varies depending on the legal form chosen for the business, which may be a partnership, a corporation or a sole proprietorship.

Role of the accountant

In order to best manage the tax and accounting aspects of your shop, it is advisable to engage the services of an accountant experienced in the commercial sector and in opening businesses. The accountant will be able to provide personalised advice, help with the drafting of the business plan, and ensure compliance with current tax regulations.

The return to the physical clothing shop: an opportunity in the digital age

In today's retail landscape, where e-commerce seems to dominate unchallenged, opening a physical clothing shop may seem like a counter-cultural move. However, deeper analysis reveals that traditional shops offer unique advantages and surprising opportunities, especially at a time when online advertising costs are reaching record levels. This article explores why investing in a physical shop can be a winning strategy in the digital age.

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1. The in-store shopping experience is irreplaceable

Physical shops offer an experience that online cannot replicate:

  • Sensory interaction with the products: ? Touch and feel the quality of the fabrics ? Try on garments and immediately see how they fit ? Appreciate colours and details at first hand
  • Personalised service: ? Style advice from experienced staff ? Immediate assistance in finding the right size ? Matching and accessory suggestions
  • Immersive atmosphere: ? Store design reflecting brand identity ? Music and fragrances that create an immersive experience ? Shop windows and displays that inspire and attract attention

2. More sustainable marketing costs

While online advertising costs continue to rise, physical shops offer cheaper alternatives:

  • Targeted local marketing: ? Distribution of flyers in strategic areas ? Participation in community events and local sponsorships ? Collaborations with other shops or activities in the neighbourhood
  • Showcases as a free advertising tool: ? Creative displays that attract the attention of passers-by ? Frequent rotation of displays to maintain interest ? Use of technologies such as interactive screens to engage customers
  • Organic word of mouth: ? Satisfied customers who share the experience with friends and family ? Local reputation built over time ? Positive reviews on local platforms and city guides

3. Building a real community

Physical shops have the potential to become landmarks in the community:

  • In-store events: ? Exclusive shopping evenings for VIP customers ? Style and fashion trend workshops ? Collaborations with local designers or influencers
  • Tangible loyalty programmes: ? Loyalty cards with exclusive benefits for in-store purchases ? Free gifts and product samples for regular customers ? Personal invitations to special events or pre-sales
  • Social commitment and sustainability: ? Recycling and upcycling initiatives of used garments ? Collaborations with local charitable organisations ? Promotion of sustainable and local products

4. Immediate adaptability and responsiveness

Physical shops can react quickly to changes in the market:

  • Instant customer feedback: ? Possibility of collecting direct opinions on products ? Rapid inventory adjustment according to local preferences ? Testing of new products or collections on a small scale
  • Flexibility in promotions: ? Launching last-minute offers to attract customers ? Adapting promotions according to weather or local events ? Ability to quickly dispose of excess inventory
  • Immediate after-sales service: ? Quick handling of returns and exchanges ? Immediate resolution of problems or complaints ? On-site repair or alteration services

5. Synergy with online presence

A physical shop can enhance, rather than replace, an online presence:

  • Click and collect: ? Possibility for customers to order online and collect in shop ? Reduced shipping costs and increased in-store traffic ? Opportunity for additional sales during collection
  • Reverse showrooming: ? Use of the shop as a showroom for products sold online ? Possibility for customers to see and touch products before purchase ? Reduction of return rates for online purchases
  • Authentic social content: ? Creation of genuine content from the shop atmosphere ? Showcases of real customers wearing the products ? Behind-the-scenes visual merchandising and in-store events

6. Opportunities for differentiation in a saturated market

In an era of online homogenisation, physical shops offer uniqueness:

  • Distinctive design and layout: ? Creating a space that reflects the brand's unique identity ? Use of materials and furnishings that tell a story ? Immersive experiences that go beyond the simple purchase
  • Exclusive in-store products: ? Limited collections only available in the physical shop ? Collaborations with local artists for unique pieces ? Real-time customisation of products
  • Value-added services: ? Tailoring and customised alterations ? Personal styling and image consulting ? Garment hire for special occasions

7. Reducing Environmental Impact

Physical shops can position themselves as a sustainable choice:

  • Packaging reduction: ? Eliminating the need for packaging for shipping ? Use of reusable or biodegradable bags ? Encouraging customers to bring their own bags
  • Reduced impact of returns: ? Reduced returns thanks to the possibility of trying on garments ? Elimination of emissions linked to return shipments ? Immediate re-use of returned garments
  • Consumer education: ? Information on product origin and sustainability ? Advice on caring for garments to prolong their life ? Promotion of a more conscious lifestyle and consumption

Sale of clothing

Once the clothing shop is established, it is important to adopt effective sales strategies to attract customers and increase sales.

Sales strategies for clothing shops

Sales strategies for clothing shops can include targeted promotions, special in-store events, loyalty programmes for regular customers and seasonal discounts to incentivise purchases.

Memorable In-store Experiences:

In the digital age, in-store experiences have become a crucial differentiating factor for physical shops. Offering customers a unique and engaging shopping experience is no longer an optional extra, but a necessity to stand out from online and offline competitors.

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  • Creating a welcoming and stimulating environment: ? Interior design that reflects the brand identity and stimulates the senses ? Use of lighting, music and fragrances to create an immersive atmosphere ? Built-in relaxation areas or cafeterias to encourage a longer stay
  • Organisation of exclusive events: ? Launches of new collections with in-store fashion shows ? Private shopping evenings for VIP customers with personal stylists ? Workshops and masterclasses on fashion trends, garment care or personal styling ?
  • Customisation of customer service: ? Training staff not only on sales, but also as style consultants ? Use of technology to offer personalised advice based on purchase history ? Personal shopping service by appointment
  • Creating Instagram-friendly spaces: ? Photogenic corners for selfies and social sharing ? Collaborations with local artists for temporary installations ? Customised hashtags and incentives for social media sharing ?
  • Multisensory experiences: ? Live demonstrations of production techniques or crafts ? Exhibitions encouraging tactile interaction with fabrics ? Olfactory branding events to associate unique fragrances with the brand

Investing in memorable in-store experiences not only attracts customers to the physical shop, but also creates an emotional bond with the brand that goes beyond the simple transaction, encouraging loyalty and positive word-of-mouth.

Creating Offers

Creating attractive and advantageous promotional offers can help boost sales and customer loyalty. It is important to plan offers carefully, communicate them clearly to customers and monitor the results to assess their effectiveness.

Relations with suppliers and customers

Creating attractive and beneficial promotional offers is an art that, if mastered, can significantly increase in-store traffic, stimulate sales and build a loyal customer base. In the age of e-commerce, in-store offers need to be particularly eye-catching to attract out-of-home customers.

  • Strategic planning of offers: ? Analysis of sales data to identify the best periods for promotions ? Customer segmentation for targeted and customised offers ? Creation of a promotional calendar that balances discounts, bundles and special offers ?
  • Types of effective offers: ? Progressive discounts based on purchase quantity ? 'Create your own outfit' bundles with increasing discounts ? In-store flash offers announced only on social media to create urgency
  • Innovative loyalty programmes: ? Points systems with experiential as well as product rewards ? Loyalty tiers with exclusive benefits for loyal customers ? Collaborations with local brands to offer cross-benefits
  • Clear and engaging communication: ? Use of eye-catching visual merchandising to highlight offers ? Staff training to effectively communicate the benefits of promotions ? Integration of in-store QR codes to access details and additional offers ?
  • Exclusive in-store offers: ? Immediate discounts for those trying on garments in the fitting room ? Last-minute promotions based on weather conditions or local events ? Exclusive gifts or samples for in-store purchases
  • Monitoring and optimisation: ? Use of advanced POS systems to track the effectiveness of promotions ? A/B testing of different offer structures to identify the most effective ones ? Collecting customer feedback on promotions for continuous improvement
  • Online-offline integration: ? Click and collect offers with additional discounts for in-store collection ? Digital coupons sent via email or app to be redeemed exclusively in-store ? Gamification of offers via mobile app with rewards to be unlocked in-store ?

By creating offers that provide not only economic but also experiential value, physical shops can create a competitive advantage over e-commerce, encouraging repeat visits and increasing the average receipt value.

Six tips to get your shop off to a good start:

  1. Get the numbers right: Before opening the shop, accurately estimate start-up and operating costs, including rent, personnel, inventory, and marketing. Use financial management software to monitor income and expenditure, and plan a budget to avoid surprises!
  2. Run the warehouseManage your inventory effectively to avoid unnecessary accumulation of unsold products. Organise your warehouse in a way that facilitates stock control and use sales strategies such as seasonal promotions to continuously renew your offer.
  3. Shop variable quantities of productsCollaborate with suppliers to obtain flexible supplies. Start with small quantities to test demand and, once popular products have been identified, negotiate larger quantities to obtain better prices.
  4. Put your label onDifferentiate your shop by creating your own branded product line. This not only increases the perceived value of your items, but also encourages the loyalty of customers looking for exclusivity.
  5. Invest in customer relationsBuild lasting relationships with your customers through excellent, personalised service. Use a CRM system to collect customer information and send targeted communications such as promotional emails and birthday greetings.
  6. The shop must become a meeting pointTurn your shop into a welcoming and social place where customers want to come back. Organise events, new collection launches or workshops to engage the community and create a lively, interactive environment.
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As e-commerce continues to grow, physical clothing shops are rediscovering their unique value. They offer a rich and personal shopping experience that online cannot replicate, they build real consumer communities, and they can quickly adapt to local needs.

In an era of digital saturation and skyrocketing advertising costs, investing in a physical shop can be not only a nostalgic move, but a smart and forward-looking strategy to create a profitable business.

By combining the strengths of traditional retail with technological innovations, they can offer the best of both worlds: the tangibility and immediacy of the physical with the convenience and personalisation of the digital.

Ultimately, the future of retail is not a choice between online and offline, but a harmonious fusion of the two.

Physical shops, far from being obsolete, are positioned to play a crucial role in this new era of retail, offering authentic experiences, human connections and value beyond the simple transaction.


Would you like to join me and other visionary students on an innovative path where we will set out to conquer the world of fashion?


If you have read this article it is because you are certainly a fashion enthusiast, but the real reason why you read these topics on my site and not in a fashion magazine is because you have probably had the idea of creating your own fashion brand in your drawer for some time.

I am Corrado Manenti and now for more than 10 years I founded the first independent style office specialising in supporting emerging designers in the development of their collections and their path to self-entrepreneurship.

If you are a designer or simply a creative person and have always dreamed of building your own fashion collection and selling it, you are in the right place!

Will 2024 be the right year to bring your project to life?

Schedule a free consultation with me and let's evaluate the future of your project together.


Corrado Manenti, the designer of designers, showcases his work in Elementor Single Article #3277.
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They talk about us

Some of the major newspapers have already started talking about our project and our customers with great enthusiasm and attention. This media resonance is testament to our commitment and professionalism in promoting Italian-made products around the world. In a short time we have become a point of reference for the entire segment of emerging designers 

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