Want to create your own clothing brand? Here are the 9 essential points from which to start!

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Corrado Manenti
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There comes a time Grit and ideas, as well as imagination and passion for fashion, are the key to success for one's brand. Nevertheless are not the totality of the elements needed to embark on a career that brings real results.

Without imagination and originality, the risk is to devalue one's brand, but the real basis for making the machine work is marketing and communication, creators of emotional involvement with our product.

So the question arises: when are you really ready to embark on this kind of path with conviction and determination? What are the points to be considered in order to achieve brand success? Only by asking these questions can even the smallest results be achieved.

Here are 9 key points to address in order to be successful with your brand design:

A sketchbook with women's clothing designs to create your own clothing brand.

1. The timing is important
Very few are ready after graduation (let alone a diploma) to embark on an entrepreneurial career.
The best thing would be gaining experience in some Maisons, so as to learn how the company works, which goes far beyond the production of the garment.
In addition to creating the fantasy, you need to know how to sell through a marketing plan of agreements, strategy and organisation.

How do you realise you are ready to go down this road?
Creativity is a necessary but not sufficient condition. When you are clear that you need a business plan as well as an operational staff, if not better a management partner, that is when you are ready to take the plunge.
One's actions should be based on a well-structured business plan, thus pursuing a winning strategy to make the Brand stand out.

Work experience with other people is important to understand how to carry out these actions.

2. Choosing partners to start our project

In a branch as competitive as fashion, it is good to have the necessary help to carry out a growth project. Dividing tasks and composing a close-knit staff is essential to maintain productive balances on a daily basisboth creatively and in terms of propaganda and distribution.

3. Protecting one's brand and creativity is important
It is essential to protect your ideas and your brand. If the brand is registered correctly, and contracts with suppliers and collaborators are clear and in order, you will avoid nasty surprises and higher expenses tomorrow.

4. target and market segment study
Fashion is a voracious segment of novelties and fantasies, always different. studying one's target group is essential to understand what people like and what they want, so that we have a chance of finding a target group that is interested in our style.

The most important thing is to know our target group. Questions such as "where are they from? age group? how do they spend their money? what do they buy in terms of fashion?" are essential to pursue a convincing project without unknowns.

5. creating a successful business plan
The business plan will be your guide and your success. Detailed and precise, is the estimated final result of our enterprise. Accuracy and orderliness in the data in a business plan are essential for modifying, retracting or reconsidering the various points of the project. Drawing up a business plan correctly is as important as it is complicated. It is here that we recommend an experienced management partner in order to avoid errors in calculation or procedure.

A self-respecting business plan must include a plan for investments, production and revenues, which will be useful in exposing the project to potential investorsor can be an effective way to expose the process to your staff.

6. Fundraising
Whether from your own capital or from lenders, you need a budget to start your own brand.
Whatever method is used to find backers (e.g. Crowfaunding, Fundraising, etc.) one has to operate by setting out the Business Plan, which is the key to not wasting capital and involving outsiders to participate actively (monetary) to its enterprise.

7. Choose the right manufacturer.

It cannot always be easy to find the right deal with the manufacturer, especially not having past orders or collaborations. The price often depends as much on the material as on the quantity purchased. For this reason, it would be important for a new brand to make arrangements with a management partner in the sector: in addition to the creation of the project, you will have the manufacturers at your disposal, so that you can take advantage of a subsidised production price.

How do you choose a good producer?

First of all, it is worth analysing the projects that the company has completed, and then those that it is still carrying out. The key is to transmit the necessary empathy to the producer by making him identify with the project, thus creating the pleasure of working together and participating in the creation.

8. Setting up production well

A good selection of leathers and fabrics is essential, carefully choosing the level of quality you want to attribute to your brand. The purchase of materials is the responsibility of the manufacturing company or the product department of the company cooperating with the design team.
9. Choosing the right showcase
Whether physical or digital, once the collection is ready you need to make it arriving at the market. To this end, it is essential to choose the right means of communication. It is important for the shop window to be in tune with the product itself, so as to share the project with the shop window, so as to take full advantage of all the communication tools it offers (physical shop window in the main avenue in Milan, digital e-commerce shop window, marketplace, etc.). ).
In order to choose a suitable showcase, one has to assess the potential of the brand on a geographical scale, even a large one if necessary. It is advisable to choose a medium that enables dialogue with the public present in that geographical area or digital platform, so as to interact with a user portfolio compatible with your brand.

A designer should seek commercial services that are as accurate as possible. There must be a continuous flow of communication between brand, shop window and customers, as well as a perfectly organised product supply and logistics.

If these 9 points have helped you to get on the right track and you are motivated to start your own business, we offer you our management partner Be A Designer to entrust you with a comprehensive, imaginative and effective service that will make your brand stand out.

Contact us for general information on how to start your own Fashion Brand Designer business.

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Corrado Manenti, the designer of designers, showcases his work in Elementor Single Article #3277.
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