Inspiration how ideas are born

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Corrado Manenti
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'The act of creation is, first and foremost, an act of courage' - Pablo Picasso

In this guide to creativity, we take you through the process of turning an idea into a tangible fashion project. 

This article will serve as a real fashion courseideal for those who are starting out in a fashion school or simply want to understand how to harness inspiration in the design process.

What is Creativity?

Creativity is the ability to generate original and innovative ideas, solutions or approaches. It is a mental process involving the discovery of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas and concepts, often generated by some kind of external stimulus or input. 

Creativity can be seen as a product of the divergent thinking and imaginationand can manifest itself in many ways, including art, writing, scientific and technological innovation, and problem-solving.

Are we born creative? Actually, we may not be more curious by nature than others, but creativity is a skill that can be learned and nurtured.

If you think about it, all children have an innate artistic and creative senseUnfortunately, as we grow older, society and our model of school learning tend to make us favour a 'schematic and didactic' approach rather than a empirical (based on trial and error) and creative approach.

As the English say, even as adults we must become able to:

'Think outside the Box' 

or thinking outside the box if we want to create something that is truly innovative and unique.


- Inspiration how ideas are born - 1

Recognising and Welcoming Inspiration:

Inspiration is the catalyst for the creative process

How do we welcome inspiration? It is a set of stimuli, many times multi-sensory, so when it arrives we have to be able to welcome it (like an old friend coming to visit after a long time) and above all DON'T let it get away!

  • Always keep your senses open to inspiration: you never know when and where it will come from.
  • Always keep a notebook to jot down ideas or sketches when inspiration strikes.
  • Don't limit yourself to one type of inspiration. Explore various fields such as art, music, nature, people and travel.

Creating a Moodboard:

A moodboard can be a great starting point for your fashion project. But how to create an effective moodboard? We talked about this in detail in THIS ARTICLE which I recommend you read as soon as possible! To get started:

  • Collect images, colours, fabrics, words that represent your vision of the project.
  • Organise these ideas in a physical or digital noticeboard.
  • Revisit your moodboard regularly and adjust as your idea develops.
A collection of photos on a blue background.
Example of how you can create a moodboard with this Canva template
Pdf guide, swimwear

Acquire Technical Skills

Even the best of ideas needs the right technical skills to be realised. Here are some ways to acquire the necessary skills:

  • Attend a fashion course or specific workshops
  • Search online tutorials and free resources
  • Practice regularly and don't be afraid to make mistakes. Learning happens through practice.
  • Reading books can help you develop the right entrepreneurial mindset
  • Join the Fashion Business Academy ?

I want to be honest with you, at this stage of IDEATION many times people are literally paralysed by the thought that they have to learn EVERYTHING involved in product development:

Actually you you need to acquire the basic technical skills to present your idea.

You need to define it clearly enough to present it with technicians and specialists who can help you realise it. Your task as a creative (and entrepreneur, even if you are not one yet) is to have vision e intuition.   

An example is Steve Jobs even though he was a great inventor and visionary, he would never have had the skills on his own to create the first Ipad that revolutionised the way we think about touch screen technology (which he had in his mind many years before even the iphone).

Another example is Philp Knight founder of Nikealthough he is a former sportsman and a great running enthusiast his mission was to creating the ultimate running shoebut he did not have the technical shoemaking skills to build one from scratch!

Most of the products we love and wear would require too many skills (at a very high level requiring years of experience) to be realised independently. So focus on refining your idea and making it unique and presentable, it will then be easier to find the right people or team to realise it!

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Transforming the Concept into a Fashion Project

Once you have the inspiration and are able to define your idea clearly, it is time to turn it into a project concept fashion. Here are some key passages:

  • Create a detailed project plan.

  • Be patient with yourself. The creation process takes time.

  • Don't be afraid to make changes along the way. Flexibility is a key component of the creative process.

What distinguishes a simple dreamer from someone who wants to make a concrete mark in life is execution.

It is not enough to be creative and think about making things happen, one must also take action oneself to transforming simple ideas into a concrete project

This is never easy but with the right motivation you will get going.

If an idea does not convince you, it will be difficult to convince your customers, so START only when you are sure the idea is right and don't be afraid to make mistakes, creating objects is not a matter of life and death, success as well as failure is part of the physiological circle of any activity.

Take your time and when you are ready START!

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Maintaining Inspiration and Facing Obstacles

The creative journey can sometimes be difficult, with obstacles and deadlocks. Here are some tips to keep the inspiration alive and face challenges:

  • Surround yourself with art: visit exhibitions, read books, listen to music. Often, art feeds other art forms.
  • Take a break: Sometimes, the best way to find inspiration is to take a step back. Take some time to relax, go for a walk or meditate.
  • Face obstacles with an open mind: If you encounter an obstacle in your project, do not despair. Use this opportunity to learn and grow.
  • Build a support network: Share your ideas with other creatives. They can offer you new perspectives and useful advice.

Remember, inspiration can come from many sources and your unique journey as a fashion artist is a continuous journey of discovery and learning. Never lose your passion for your craft and keep your desire to create alive. 

Now, armed with these guidelines, you are ready to begin your exciting journey into the world of fashion. 

Start turning your ideas into reality today!

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Corrado Manenti, the designer of designers, showcases his work in Elementor Single Article #3277.
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