The screen of a tablet shows an Italian guide entitled 'HOW TO WRITE A PROFESSIONAL BLOG' with hands typing on a laptop in style and images related to blogging.
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Anatomy of a professional fashion blog

Whenever the topic is writing for the web, it is repeated that it is essential to create quality content, as if it were not obvious that posts copied and pasted from other blogs, uninteresting, imprecise and badly written are of no interest to anyone, besides being badly indexed by search engines. On how to do this, however,...

The text in Italian on a tablet screen reads 'COME SCRIVERE UN FASHION BLOG - LA PROFESSIONE DEL CONTENT EDITOR PRIMA DEGLI INFLUENCERS'. The screen shows three small images of people working on laptops, demonstrating that mastering the craft is a matter of style in beating the crisis.

How to write a quality fashion blog

Over the last ten years, the Internet has been populated by a myriad of fashion blogs, dealing with the most varied topics and the most varied styles, from The Blonde Salad to the provincial blogger, who takes pictures of herself wearing unlikely outfits in equally unlikely locations (messy balconies, cellars with hanging sausages, Zara's dressing rooms populated by balls of...

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